The Daviess County YMCA allowed the South Knox girls swim team to practice in their pool! Our team was brand new. There was a boys team, but not a girls. No other pools would allow us to swim, but this YMCA did! I was team captain and formed so many friendships through the opportunity! Daviess County YMCA supported our new team when we had nowhere else to go. Now the girls at my school can be on a swim team as well as the boys. Forever grateful! Cora

My appreciation of my Y membership is 3-fold. I am particularly benefiting from the aqua program. My strength, balance, and joint pain relief are improving constantly. I have made new friends who are very understanding and encouraging. The instructor does an excellent job of teaching, encouraging, adapting individual activity. One of the best decisions that I benefit from daily. (Linda S)

When my husband passed away, my daughter knew that I needed to find something to do to keep me going, so I was taken to the YMCA. I was terrified of the water, so the aquatics staff gave me a life jacket. It took about four months to finally get comfortable in the water. I started with the Silver Splash class. I now come to the YMCA for the Aqua Yoga classes on Tuesday and Thursday and the Open Swim on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I am so very glad my Daughter pressed me to do this because I love it here! It keeps me healthier. I have been coming to the YMCA now for 8 years. I want to give a big thank you to all of the staff for their welcoming smiles and friendliness. I have many new friends that I enjoy spending time with. I love you all and I hope to have many more years with you!